Innovation in the UAE - our ambition to reach the top
An unprecedented technological revolution continues to disrupt the world around us. Changes are underway on a vast scale, with digitalisation transforming economies, governments and societies in complex, interrelated and often unpredictable ways. Government policies and practices have often not kept up with the speed of change. However, some at the edge of government innovation are using fantastic, novel solutions to solve today’s challenges for the collective good.
The OECD Observatory for Public Sector Innovation (OPSI) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation (MBRCGI) partnered to conduct a global review that explores how governments are innovating and taking steps to make innovation a routine and integrated practice across the globe.
To help governments to comprehend what successful innovation looks like today, and to help them take a portfolio approach to innovation, OPSI has identified four primary facets of public sector innovation.